My goal is to build systems that democratize the design and use of specialized hardware. I am excited to work with folks who are dissatisfied with the current state of tools and techniques for hardware design. I am interested in radically new approaches that combine ideas from programming languages, computer architecture, VLSI, and computer-aided design to address the design, verification, and usability challenges of specialized hardware. In doing so, I want to build real systems, evaluate them rigorously, and get other people to use them.
My PhD research has produced three systems:
I am actively recruiting PhD students! If any of this resonates with you, you can read my research statement to get a sense of ideas that excite me, email me a CV, and apply to work with me at MIT.
Accepted a tenure-track position at MIT and starting in the 2025-26 academic year!
Our paper on unifying static and dynamic abstractions in Calyx was conditionally accepted at OOPSLA 2024.
Gave invited talks on Modular Abstractions for Hardware Design at UC Berkeley, Brown, Northeastern, University of Washington, MIT, and Columbia.
Gave an invited talk on Dahlia at MIT’s PL Review.