
Jun ’24

Accepted a tenure-track position at MIT and starting in the 2025-26 academic year!

Jun ’24

Our paper on unifying static and dynamic abstractions in Calyx was conditionally accepted at OOPSLA 2024.

Mar ’24

Gave invited talks on Modular Abstractions for Hardware Design at UC Berkeley, Brown, Northeastern, University of Washington, MIT, and Columbia.

Jun ’23

Presented Filament at PLDI 2023.

Apr ’23

Gave an invited talk on Dahlia at MIT’s PL Review.

Apr ’23

Gave a talk on Filament at LatchUp ’23.

Mar ’23

Our paper Stepwise Debugging for Hardware Accelerators won the distinguished artifact award at ASPLOS ’23.

Mar ’23

Awarded the Jane Street Fellowship.

Nov ’22

Invited talks at Williams College and Microsoft Research.

Oct ’22

Member of the External Review Committee at OOPSLA 23.

Sep ’22

Paper on Cider, a stepwise debugger for Calyx, conditionally accepted to ASPLOS 2023.

Jul ’22

Gave invited talks on Calyx at the MathWorks Code Generation Forum.

Jun ’22

Gave invited talks on Calyx at Xilinx research labs and Google.

Jun ’22

Presented Dahlia at PLDI 2022.

Apr ’22

Gave invited talks to Brown PLT and Northeastern PRL.

Mar ’22

Social chair for PLDI 2022.

Dec ’21

Gave a guest lecture for Wellesley’s programming languages course.

Oct ’21

Gave a talk on Calyx to the UW PLSE group.

Sep ’21

Short paper on the Calyx Interactive Debugger accepted to WOSET 21.

May ’21

Proposed my thesis and advanced to candidacy.

Jan ’21

Social chair for PLDI 2021.

Nov ’20

Paper on Calyx accepted to ASPLOS 2021.

Nov ’20

Paper on Diospyros accepted to ASPLOS 2021.

Sep ’20

Member of the OOPSLA 2020 Artifact Evaluation Committee.

May ’20

Presented Dahlia at PLDI ’20, University of Washington, University of California Berkeley, Imperial College London and Stanford University.

Apr ’20

Work-in-progress paper on Diospyros accepted to LCTES.

Apr ’20

Finalist for the Qualcomm Fellowship with Alexa VanHattum.

Mar ’20

Dahlia was accepted to PLDI 2020.

Feb ’20

Member of the PLDI 2020 Artifact Evaluation Committee.

Sep ’19

Gave an invited talk on Dahlia at Princeton.

May ’19

Research intern at Facebook Reality Labs.

Mar ’19

Member of the PLDI 2019 Artifact Evaluation Committee.

Nov ’18

Student volunteer at OOPSLA 2018.

May ’18

Stopify was conditionally accepted to PLDI 2018!