Learning to Fail

Naive PhD student explains how to succeed at research.

December 19, 2018

I often describe the basic philosophy of research using a metaphor: bash your head in a wall over and over till you find a way to break it and then repeat it ad nauseam. Sometimes you’ll know where the cracks in the wall are, and sometime you’ll know what angle you need to hit the wall with your head, but fundamentally, you’re hitting your head into a wall.

This is perhaps an unnecessarily graphic description of what research is like but the point I’m trying to get across is that research is hard and that failure is the expected outcome. The primary skill of researcher is not their ability to come up with good ideas or write code but to persevere in the face of continuous failure.

My undergraduate research experience is the primary reason that I skill. I started research early but I failed. In fact, I failed almost every single project I worked on. But this failure also removed any illusions of what research is like and helped me redefine what “success” should mean.

Here is a quick summary of my research experience as an undergrad:

Spring 2016

I reached out a my undergraduate advisor in my first semester after being fascinated with Scheme. Yes, I am a walking PL cliché.

After some back and forth, I quickly started a project. The project was to build a formal semantics for bash scripts. The bash specification is large and complicated with a lot of subtle interactions. The particular phase we were interested in formalizing were the bash shell expansions. We tried to build a Hoare logic style semantics for the expansion, because we wanted to ultimately verify properties of these shell scripts. Unfortunately, I showed that such a semantics becomes super complicated and we abandoned the project. Michael Greenberg, one of our collaborators, continued working on this and has come up with some nice results.

A few weeks into research and I had already failed a project.

Summer 2016

I came back for the summer and started working on a new, and slightly related project. The idea was to extend previous work on verifying Puppet manifests to capture the semantics of snippets of shell programs people write into their Puppet manifests. The previous work had modeled Puppet programs using a small core calculus based on a Kleene Algebra with Tests (KAT) and we wanted to create an active learning mechanism to learn the underlying automaton by running the shell script in a docker container.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of background in either automata theory or the low level details of system call tracing (which was the core mechanism to figure out what system calls were being used). I spent half of the summer jumping back and forth between learning about automata theory and systems and implementing papers without much to show for it. While I didn’t know this at the time, this project also fizzled out around this time.

The reason the project fizzled out was because I joined another student’s project where we were trying to automatically synthesize updates for Puppet manifests by capturing system calls. I worked on this project for the rest of the summer.

Fall 2016

As the summer ended, my advisor proposed joining Fission, another project that I had been interested in from the start of my summer. This project aimed to build a single-tiered, secure programming model for writing web applications. People on the project had built a frontend that could take JavaScript code and compile it into something that could enforces security conditions. Around the same time, the Puppet synthesis project slowed down because the first author was applying to graduate schools and I was focusing more on Fission. Eventually, I stopped working on Puppet synthesis entirely. This eventually became a paper.

To cap off the depressing string of half completed projects, it was around this time I actually had minor clinical depression and my productivity collapsed. After attending ICFP ’16 I decided to start therapy to “fix” my clinical depression. Researchers are people who sometimes work extraordinarily hard at the expense of their own health. It is important to realize that your work is significantly less important that your health.

Meanwhile, we also published a workshop paper on Fission. Unfortunately, after several rewrites of the compiler, people leaving the project, and fundamental performance issues, it was becoming painfully clear that Fission would not pan out. If you’re keeping track, it’s 3/3 for failed projects.

Spring 2017

While making slow progress on Fission, my advisor asked a new question, “What would it take to build a client-side IDE?”. In order to build this IDE, we started investigating different compiler frameworks for JavaScript. We built multiple passes to simplify JavaScript constructs and around the same time, another graduate student joined the project. This spring was perhaps the most productive semester of my undergraduate research career. I had gained enough technical and programming chops to push on the project without hands-on support. By the end of this semester, we had managed to build an IDE and give a talk about it at NEPLS ’17.

Summer 2017

My advisor was going to be away for most the summer and he recommended that I do an “academic internship”. I emailed a professor at Brown University who took me in for the summer. After a meeting with him during spring break, I convinced him to let me continue working on my spring research by promising to integrate my work into the Pyret programming language.

I spend a summer trying to improve the performance of our implementation which didn’t work out. However, my collaborator back at UMass had figured out a solution so continued pushing on.

Towards the end of the summer, I started looking into integrating our work with Pyret. The codebase of a production-ready compiler like Pyret that supports thousands of users every day was daunting and hard to understand by myself. I spent about two weeks trying to understand it, and frustrated at my lack of progress, also wrote a Vim plugin for Pyret. Once I understood the code base, it took me two days to implement the first part of the integration.

Fall 2017

Summer came to an end and my most stressful semester in undergraduate began. I was graduating in three years so I was taking 6 classes, applying to 10 graduate schools, applying for summer internships, and writing a paper for our research. It was a lot of work but I did it all. We submitted a polished paper to PLDI 2018 (which was later accepted). I was accepted to 8 graduate schools and a software engineering internship at Google. I eventually decided to start my PhD at Cornell.


Having spent a few years at Cornell, I have come to appreciate a lot of things about my undergraduate experience:

  • While I failed for more than a year, I learned a lot. The amount of implementation work I did made me good at rapid prototyping and I came with a breadth of knowledge in configuration and web languages, secure systems, and formal language theory.
  • The infectious optimism of my advisor kept me going through all the failures. The most important piece of advice he gave me was: “You’ll figure it out!”
  • I learned that I work best when I collaborate with people. It is easier to be excited about research when someone else is also excited about it with you.
  • It is really hard to execute research ideas. A lot of people can come up with really good ideas but it takes a lot of work and dedication to push through a project. I’ve come to respect the latter way more than the former.

I feel privileged in having a undergraduate research career where I was given the opportunity to fail. When I started my PhD, I had no illusions about what research was: it requires a religious amount of faith and hard work before you can see any progress.

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